How to build a Hangman Game with Python and PySimpleGUI

Hangman Game | Coding Zemigle

Welcome to the universe of Python programming with graphical user interfaces (GUIs)! This is the ideal location whenever you're always wondered how to use Python to make a beloved Hangman Game come to life. This blog will take you on a journey to create a dynamic hangman game from beginning while you learn the fundamentals of Python programming its appreciate PySimpleGUI's ease of use and versatility.

This tutorial is meant to serve as your guide, regardless of your level of experience with coding whether you're a novice keep to explore worldwide of game development or an enthusiast trying to improve your Python abilities. At the conclusion of this adventure, you will not only possess a working hangman game as well as a firm grasp on how to use PySimpleGUI to develop enticing graphical user interfaces for Python application.

Now fastest your seatbelts, get your coding skills ready, and let's set out on the thrilling journey of creating a hangman game that uses the intuitive PySimpleGUI package to highlight the beauty of the Python programming while simultaneously testing your mental faculties. In this tutorial, you'll:

  • Create a GUI for your hangman game using PySimpleGUI
  • Implement the logic for the hangman game
  • Connect the game's logic with its GUI layer
  • Handle the game results and provide other options
As we prepare to go on the thrilling voyage of developing hangman games! Let's make sure your workspace is prepared for the coding process. To install PySimpleGUI and configure your Python environment, simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Setting up the Hangman Project

Visit the official python website Get the most latest version of python programming operating system. Comply with the website's installation guidelines. Launch the command prompt or terminal.

pip install PySimpleGUI
Now that PySimpleGUI and python is installed, you are prepared to start your coding journey the upcoming parts will address the foundations of the hangman game and work our way up to a python application that is both fully functional and interactive. Come on, let's code!

Let's acquaint ourselves with the fundamental components of this tradition word guessing game before we begin creating our own hangman game. In the guessing game hangman, one player comes up with a word and the reverse player will attempted to figure it out, letter by letter. The catch is before the stick portraying a "hangman" is entirely created, the guessing player gets a set number of chances. To accurately guess the word when the hangman is finished the aim.

Word Selection: From a predetermined list, a word is chosen at random by the game . We'll begin with a static word for simplicity's sake but you may latter extend it to incorporate word.
Selection Show: The word appears at first as a string of underscores, one for each letter. When the player makes the accurate guess, the matching letters become visible, remember these basic ideas when we get into the coding. One step at a time , we'll gradually add each component to bring the hangman game to life. Watch this space for the exciting coding journey that lies ahead in the next phases!

Step 2: Coding the Hangman Game

Let's get our hands dirty and begin developing main python framework for our hangman game. This section will be devoted to writing the main script or putting the basic logic for choosing worlds display into practiced.

  • Open the text editor or Python IDE of your choice
  • Create a new python file e.g.,
  • Include import instructions as well as a main function to establish the fundamental framework of your script
Here's a simple starting point in python:

import PySimpleGUI as sg
import random

def choose_word():
    words = ["python", "programming", "hangman", "code", "developer", "debugging", "interface"]
    return random.choice(words)

def display_word(word, guessed_letters):
    return ''.join(letter if letter in guessed_letters else '_' for letter in word)

def hangman_layout(word, guessed_letters, attempts_left):
    word_display = display_word(word, guessed_letters)
    layout = [
        [sg.Text(f"Word: {word_display}", font=('Helvetica', 20))],
        [sg.Text(f"Attempts left: {attempts_left}", font=('Helvetica', 14))],
        [sg.Text("Enter a letter: "), sg.InputText(key='input')],
        [sg.Button('Guess'), sg.Button('Quit')],
    return layout

def main():
    word_to_guess = choose_word()
    guessed_letters = set()
    attempts_left = 6

while attempts_left > 0:
        layout = hangman_layout(word_to_guess, guessed_letters, attempts_left)
        window = sg.Window('Hangman Game', layout)

        event, values =

if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Quit':

if len(values['input']) == 1 and values['input'].isalpha():
            letter = values['input'].lower()

            if letter in guessed_letters:
                sg.popup("You've already guessed this letter. Try another one.")
            elif letter in word_to_guess:
                attempts_left -= 1

if all(letter in guessed_letters for letter in word_to_guess):
            sg.popup("Congratulations! You guessed the word!")

if attempts_left == 0:
            sg.popup(f"Game over. The word was '{word_to_guess}'. Try again!")


if __name__ == "__main__":

This sets the foundation of the hangman game. In the upcoming sections, we'll enhance the code to incorporate user input, build the graphical interface and implement the game's logic. Stay tuned as we gradually transform our script into an interactive hangman game experience.

Step 3: Troubleshooting and testing of the project

It's critical to extensively test or debug the code as we get closer to finishing our hangman game in order to guarantee a flawless and error-free experience. We'll talk about testing techniques and potential typical problems in this part. To make sure word Selection is functioning properly, test the game using a variety of words. Check to see if user input based display updates are accurate. Intentionally guessing or leaving out letters to test win as well as loss conditions.

Examine the console for any odd activity or errors, check to see if the game gracefully closes windows. Test extreme scenarios including winning the game or making the most inaccurate guesses possible. To track the flow of the code and spot possible problems use print statements, use your IDE's debugging capabilities to navigate through the source code and check the values of variables. Varify if there's any mistake, misspelled variables or missing import declarations.

Recall that comprehensive troubleshooting and testing are essential phases in the creation of software. You can guarantee a more dependable and pleasurable customer experience by taking care of problems early. When you are happy with the testing outcomes, you may share and let others play your hangman game!

Congratulations for finishing the hangman game construction process with PySimpleGUI and Python! We have covered a lot of ground, starting with environment setup and moving on to graphical interface integration functionality, addition game logic, testing and debugging. Recall that learning to code is an ongoing process of progress and learning. I hope this journey enjoyable for you and I wish you well in all of our future coding pursuits. Please do more testing and investigate any possible improvements and new features you would like to add. Have fun with coding!